Sunday, June 28, 2009

Massacre of the Innocents: A Criticism

Putting up together the pieces of our views and perceptions, the group's criticism has finally reached its entirety. The Massacre of the Innocents, a masterpiece created by Peter Paul Rubens, depicts an episode of the biblical story as related in the Gospel of Matthew. This work of art is an example of the Baroque painting because of its dramatic and emotive dynamism of the scene as well as the rich colour. It can also be considered as a product of expressionism since the painting expresses an intensity of feelings and emotions. This portrait has its subject appear tp be immensely close that the space became somehow limited.

It is an oil painting made in a canvas which texture appears to be smooth considering the fact that the combination of colors are well coordinated. The painting truly unfolds the artist's consistent observation of the works of Italian Baroque painters like Caravaggio. The dramatic scene presented and the use of rich colors in the painting truly reflects that influence.

The colors as well as the life still image bring forth harmonious or satisfying arrangement. The balance of the image is actually informal for which the subject (people) moved sideways to the right. Its perspective is absolutely critical in a sense that the painting provides underlying structure.

Its source of light was coming from an artificial light from the left side. The light was actually soft and dramatic which definitely affects the mode of the subject, perhaps brought about by the scenario. The light provides great realization of the tensional emotion of the painting. The light used by Rubens provides a much of reality. The reason behind that was the light touches the movement of the object in order to be brilliant. There are hard edges in the painting, like for instance, the back image which serves as the background of the subject. It was not well lit because the light is only centered in the subject (people).

Another reason behind the enormous popularity of the painting is the use of Chiaroscuro, a great contrast between light and dark color. The colours used were very clear and its temperature seems to be appropriate for the subject. They are much of a brilliance since Rubens actually used a palette in mixing colors for the colors are well-combined. Including the fact that the lights are well reflected to the subjects and it is enough to understand the very essence of the painting.

The painting, Massacre of the Innocents, was definitely creative and full of energy compared to the subjects of other artist works. It is so easy to compare a brilliant work of an artist, but of course, there are times it is of so much difficulties but you can actually see the difference.

Staring at this painting for quite some time stirs up a certain feeling within us. Maybe because Ruben's work of art was filled with so much emotions. Pain. Struggle. Life. This is remarkably a masterpiece that spells brilliance. :)


  1. ...this is a very impressive analysis. who's the writer of the group? keep up the good work!
